I introduce money. For example, how to exchange money or how to use ATM. First, I explain how to exchange money. Then we need four things. Those are passport or driver’s license and bankbook and seal and some money. If you don’t have these things, you can’t exchange money. When you finish the procedure, you must pay a charge. Its charge is from 2100 yen to 5000 yen. It’s expensive for me. When you finish all procedures, it takes time from a week to a month. It’s long.
Second I explain how to use ATMs. If you want to draw money, you can go banks or convenience stores. First, when you go to a bank in the week, you can draw money from 8:45 to 18:00, and you will be charged 105 yen. If you go to a bank on Saturday, you can draw money from 9:00 to 14:00 and you will be charged 105 yen. If you go to a bank other day, you can draw money the same time on Saturday and you will be charged 210 yen. There is a lot of ATMs in convenience stores in some place. You can find it in Seveneleven or ro-son or Family Mart or Ministop… It is very convenient, because you don’t take the trouble to go to a bank. Its charge and the charge of bank are same. Whichever you choose, it is convenient.